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Guard’n’Aid Thrip Insecticide 250ml

Guard ‘n’ Aid Thrip 250ml is a targeted contact insecticide made with Pyrethrum, specifically designed to use against Thrips throughout the egg, larval and adult stages.

Guard’n’Aid Thrip: Blast Those Tiny Terrorizing Thrips!

Tired of those teeny, tiny thrips turning your garden into a buffet? Guard’n’Aid Thrip is here to be your eco-friendly superhero, taking down these pesky insects at every stage of their life cycle – eggs, larvae, and even the grown-up thrips themselves!

How does it work? Think of it as a natural, plant-based one-two punch:

  • Pyrethrum power: This extract from chrysanthemum flowers confuses the thrips’ nervous and breathing systems, leaving them out cold.
  • Canola oil bonus: This oil coats the thrips, making it even harder for them to breathe. Talk about a suffocating surprise!

Why choose Guard’n’Aid Thrip?

  • It’s safe for your food: Use it on both fruits and veggies without worrying about harmful residues.
  • It works indoors and outdoors: Protect your plants wherever they thrive, from your sunny windowsill to your backyard oasis.
  • It’s concentrated and affordable: A little goes a long way, making it an economical choice for your garden arsenal.
  • It’s kind to the environment: Pyrethrum comes from nature, making it a more eco-friendly option than harsh chemicals.

Remember: Always read and follow the instructions on the label for safe and effective use.

Ready to say goodbye to thrips and hello to happy, healthy plants? Grab a bottle of Guard’n’Aid Thrip today and watch those tiny terrors disappear!


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