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Terra Aquatica TriPart Micro 5L (soft water)

TriPart Micro (formally known as GHE FloraMicro) is part of the three bottles used in Terra Aquatica ‘TriPart’ range. Micro is the foundation of this amazing nutrient range and provides your plants with micro, sub-micro and even some macro nutrients. It is used alongside TriPart Grow and Bloom to maximise results and ensure the healthiest and very best plants. The easy to use three-part formula was first created in 1976 and is still one of the most used nutrients today. It can be used with soil, coco or hydroponics.

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Terra Aquatica TriPart Micro: The Building Block of Bountiful Harvests

Forget juggling a dozen bottles! Terra Aquatica TriPart Micro is the foundation of a simpler, smarter approach to plant nutrition. This concentrated formula, available in hard or soft water compositions, forms the micro and sub-micromineral cornerstone of the TriPart “Building Block” system.

Here’s why TriPart Micro is the missing piece in your garden:

  • 3-bottle magic: Ditch the nutrient clutter! TriPart Micro works in harmony with TriPart Grow and Bloom, providing everything your plants need from start to finish. No more guessing which bottle to grab – just one system, endless possibilities.
  • Customizable care: As your plants grow, their needs evolve. TriPart Micro lets you adjust the mix to perfectly match their changing demands. More micro-magic during early growth, balanced with other TriPart elements for thriving blooms and bountiful harvests.
  • NASA-approved science: Don’t settle for second-rate. TriPart Micro is trusted by prestigious research institutions and universities, including NASA. It’s constantly evolving with the latest scientific discoveries and rigorously tested in-house and with professional growers.
  • Nutrient Nirvana: Forget basic fertilizers. TriPart Micro delivers a complete spectrum of micro and sub-micronutrients – all chelated for easy absorption. Think of it as a nutrient buffet for your plants, unlocking their full potential for vibrant colors, delicious flavors, and potent yields.

TriPart Micro isn’t just for beginners. It’s for anyone who wants to:

  • Build a strong foundation: Healthy roots, lush foliage, and vibrant growth all start with the right building blocks. TriPart Micro lays the groundwork for exceptional harvests, every time.
  • Unlock hidden potential: Don’t settle for average. TriPart Micro’s precise blend of micro-nutrients helps your plants reach their genetic peak, producing dense buds, juicy fruits, and essential oils that burst with flavor.
  • Simplify your grow: Ditch the confusion and embrace the power of three. TriPart Micro makes nutrient management a breeze, leaving you more time to enjoy the fruits (or flowers) of your labor.

So ditch the complexity and embrace the power of Terra Aquatica TriPart Micro. It’s the simple, effective, and science-backed foundation for a thriving garden. Your plants will thank you (and your taste buds will sing your praises).


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