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Remo Micro 1L

Remo Micro brings a quality and simplicity to your garden. Their proprietary blend of macro and micronutrients provide your plants with the foundation needed to achieve maximised yield.

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Transform Seedlings to Champions: Remo Micro Sculpts Strong Roots for Lavish Blooms and Prize-Winning Fruit

Remo Micro is your essential building block for thriving plants and maximized yields. This powerful formula delivers a precise blend of macro and micronutrients, providing the fundamental support your plants need to flourish throughout their entire life cycle.

Here’s what makes Remo Micro stand out:

  • Quality & Simplicity: Crafted with only pharmaceutical-grade minerals, marine extracts, and high-quality chelates, Remo Micro ensures consistent performance, purity, and optimal pH balance. No fuss, just pure plant-powering goodness.
  • Universal Compatibility: Whether you’re cultivating in soil, coco coir, or hydroponic systems, Remo Micro seamlessly integrates into your existing setup for maximum effectiveness and ease of use.
  • Precise Nutrient Profile: Boasting a 3-0-1 NPK ratio, Remo Micro focuses on delivering essential micro and macronutrients, including calcium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, and molybdenum. This targeted blend strengthens cell walls, boosts immunity, and promotes efficient growth.
  • Chelated Calcium Duo: The unique combination of chelated and nitrate calcium in Remo Micro unlocks a multitude of benefits. It enhances fruit production, reduces heat stress, and fosters the development of strong, resilient plants.
  • Synergy with Remo Grow & Bloom: Designed to be used in equal amounts with Remo Grow during the vegetative stage and Remo Bloom during the flowering stage, Remo Micro provides the complete nutritional spectrum your plants need to reach their full potential.

Beyond the basics, Remo Micro offers a wealth of benefits:

  • Increased Solubility: Mixes easily and readily absorbs for maximized nutrient uptake.
  • Stronger Plants: Enhances immune system function and promotes faster recovery from stress and disruptions.
  • Accelerated Growth: Fuels rapid and healthy development during both vegetative and flowering stages.
  • Robust Root System: Encourages the development of a strong and efficient root network for optimal nutrient and water access.

Investing in Remo Micro is investing in the future of your garden. By laying the perfect nutritional foundation, you set the stage for vibrant growth, bountiful harvests, and the ultimate satisfaction of witnessing your plants thrive.


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