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Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Coco Grow A&B 1L

Deliver your plants the widest range of micronutrients and chelation possible, ensuring they absorb a robust menu of powerful nutrition for vigorous vegetative growth and prolific flowering.

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Ditch the Coco Drama, Find Plant Paradise with Connoisseur Coco Grow!

Dreaming of a lush, green oasis in your grow room, where your coco coir cradles plants that explode with vibrant growth? Forget struggling with cal-mag woes and finicky pH. Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Coco Grow A + B is your first-class ticket to a nutrient paradise, leaving those vacation brochures collecting dust!

This isn’t your average coco coir food. Connoisseur Coco Grow unlocks the hidden treasures of your grow space with critical secrets no other nutrient knows:

  • Iron Chef for Plants: Forget micronutrient deficiencies! Connoisseur Coco Grow is packed with optimal ratios of chelated iron, like a gourmet chef ensuring every plant gets its daily dose of this vital ingredient. Think lush vegetation, exploding branches, and leaves that shimmer with health.
  • No More Meter Meltdowns: Ditch the pH pen! Connoisseur Coco Grow’s pH Perfect® Technology does the magic for you, automatically keeping your nutrient solution in the sweet spot where plants thrive. Your grow room becomes a stress-free haven, letting your plants focus on growing, not fretting about pH.
  • The Calcium, Magnesium, AND Iron Trio: Forget incomplete solutions! Connoisseur Coco Grow delivers the holy trinity of coco-loving nutrients – calcium, magnesium, AND iron – in exactly the right ratios. Think of it as a nutrient unlocker, ensuring every element gets to the party, boosting growth and keeping those nutrient lockouts on a permanent vacation!

Plus, Connoisseur Coco Grow plays nice with everyone:

  • Hydro or Soil, It Takes You There: Whether you’re a hydroponics pro or a soil enthusiast, Connoisseur Coco Grow is your passport to paradise. It works seamlessly with any coco-based system, so you can cultivate your own slice of plant heaven, no matter your travel style.
  • Clean and Green: We believe in the power of nature, not chemical shortcuts. Connoisseur Coco Grow is free of banned growth regulators, so you can rest assured your harvest is pure, healthy, and bursting with natural flavor.

Ready to ditch the drama and embrace the oasis-worthy growth of Connoisseur Coco Grow? Grab a bottle (or two) and watch your plants transform! Your grow room will be lush, vibrant, and overflowing with potential, making you the envy of the green-thumbed globetrotters and your taste buds the happiest they’ve ever been.

So pack your bags, ditch the worries, and let Connoisseur Coco Grow take you to plant paradise! Your green dreams deserve it.


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