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Ecothrive & Indoor Organics Life-Cycle Soil Amendment 1kg

Tired of buying endless bags of growing media? Life-Cycle allows you to re-use your depleted soil mixes for multiple crop cycles. A carefully formulated, balanced organic nutrient mix designed to feed your soil with a diverse blend of essential nutrients and minerals, Life-Cycle has been created for organic growers using our Eco-Life potting soil—but it’s great for enhancing any soil or coco-based potting mix too.

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Revive your soil! Ecothrive Life-Cycle renews spent mixes for epic blooms & bountiful harvests.

Life-Cycle isn’t just fertilizer, it’s a soil revolution:

  • Reuse & Replenish: Say goodbye to endless bags! Breathe new life into tired soil for multiple cycles, saving money and reducing waste.
  • Boost Every Bloom: Organic nutrition and beneficial microbes unlock hidden potential, delivering consistently high yields and vibrant flavors.
  • Effortless Application: Top-dress anytime during growth or bloom for a quick, targeted boost. Simple and effective, even for beginners.

Packed with Powerful Ingredients:

  • Mealworm Frass: Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium powerhouse for healthy growth, plus chitin for natural pest and disease resistance.
  • Neem & Seaweed: Nutrient-rich duo, with neem’s deep-reaching roots and seaweed’s “green gold” mineral spectrum.
  • Gypsum & Insect Meal: Improved water drainage, aroma, and flavor, plus sustainable protein and amino acids for happy plants and healthy soil.
  • Rock Phosphate & Basalt Rock Dust: Slow-release phosphorus for sustained growth, plus vital trace minerals and silica for strong stems and bountiful yields.
  • Humic & Fulvic Acids: Unlock nutrient availability and boost microbial activity for optimal plant health.

Ecothrive Life-Cycle: Grow bigger, brighter, and greener, sustainably.


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