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Canna Terra Professional Soil 50L

CANNA Terra Professional is a nitrogen-rich potting mix for plant cultivation. Your plants grow best in a nitrogen-rich potting mix.

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Unleash Plant Power with CANNA Terra Professional: The Nitrogen-Rich Growth Engine

Forget average potting mixes – treat your plants to the professional advantage of CANNA Terra Professional. This nitrogen-rich powerhouse is specially formulated to supercharge growth and unlock your plants’ full potential.

What makes CANNA Terra Professional different?

  • Exclusive Organic Blend: Go beyond garden center basics! CANNA Terra Professional boasts a unique blend of upgraded black peat, disease-free granulated peat moss, and airy perlite. This superior mix guarantees optimal drainage, aeration, and nutrient-holding capacity for explosive growth.
  • Root Revolution: Witness the explosive development of robust root systems! The carefully chosen ingredients in CANNA Terra Professional create the perfect environment for strong, healthy roots that efficiently absorb nutrients and water, fueling stunning above-ground growth.
  • Thicker Stems, Bigger Yields: Strong roots lead to sturdy stems and abundant harvests. CANNA Terra Professional’s nitrogen-rich formula accelerates plant metabolism, while its disease-resistant properties ensure minimal setbacks. Expect bountiful yields and vibrant, robust plants you’ll be proud of.
  • Versatility Reigns: Whether you’re an indoor or outdoor grower, CANNA Terra Professional has you covered. It’s perfect for a wide range of plants, from fruit and vegetables to flowers and herbs.

Don’t settle for average when it comes to your plants’ health and growth. Give them the professional advantage with CANNA Terra Professional.


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