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Plant Magic Silicon 1L

Silicon by Plant Magic protects plants against pests and intense lights. While also preventing stems snapping by building stronger cell walls. It also helps to reduce leaf droop so light reaches all leaves and fruit, whilst protecting against heat, cold and drought.

This product contains a unique blend of potassium, silicon and biostimulants. It helps to protect from various types of diseases and pests as well as defend against environmental stress such as extreme temperatures.

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Plant Magic Silicon: Armor Up Your Plants for Bigger, Bolder Blooms

Imagine your plants wearing a suit of invisible armor, shielding them from environmental stress, pests, and diseases. That’s the power of Plant Magic Silicon, a unique blend of potassium silicon and bio-stimulants that reinforces your plants’ cell walls, making them stronger, sturdier, and more resilient.

Why Silicon Matters:

While not technically an essential element, silicon acts like a natural superhero for your plants:

  • Strengthens Stems and Leaves: By reinforcing cell walls, Plant Magic Silicon prevents snapping under heavy yields, reducing the need for additional support. No more drooping flowers or wilting branches!

  • Environmental Warrior: This invisible armor provides enhanced protection against heat, cold, drought, and intense light. Think of it as a built-in sunscreen and raincoat for your plants!

  • Pest and Disease Shield: Silicon strengthens your plants’ defenses, making them less susceptible to pests and diseases, allowing you to grow healthy, bountiful harvests even in challenging conditions.

How Plant Magic Silicon Works:

This innovative formula is a game-changer for any gardener. Simply add it to your nutrient solution, and it gets to work:

  • Reinforcing Cell Walls: Silicon becomes an integral part of the cell walls, creating a robust internal structure that can withstand stress and pressure.

  • Boosting Bio-Stimulants: The formula includes beneficial bio-stimulants that enhance nutrient uptake and promote overall plant health, adding to the armoring effect.


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