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Plant Magic Ignition Boost 1L

Plant Magic Boost delivers bio stimulants and growth hormones to help your plants during the first stages of the bloom phase, which triggers the rapid development of flowers. These growth stimulators push your plants’ development, which has a huge impact on the potential for bigger yields further down the line.

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Plant Magic Ignition Boost: Detonate Super-Sized Blooms and Potent Yields

Ready to witness a floral revolution? Plant Magic Ignition Boost takes your blooms to the next level, exploding with increased yield and potency right before your eyes. Take control of your harvests with this potent bloom booster – years of Plant Magic research now in your hands.

Here’s how Ignition Boost ignites your blooming potential:

  • A Cosmic Bloom: Witness an explosion of flowering sites as Ignition Boost sends powerful growth signals to your plant. This lays the foundation for abundant, bountiful harvests come reaping season.
  • Fast-Forward to Flower: Say goodbye to sluggish transitions. Ignition Boost smooths the shift from vegetative growth to full-blown bloom, potentially shaving time off your grow cycle.
  • Turbocharged Growth: Think of Ignition Boost as a nutritional rocket fuel for your blooms. Its unique blend of biostimulants and growth hormones drives rapid development, pushing your plants to their full potential.
  • Unleashing the Hidden Gems: More flowers mean more opportunities for nature’s magic to work its wonders. Ignition Boost helps your plants maximize their potency and flavor, resulting in exquisitely delicious fruits and flowers that tantalize your senses.

Plant Magic Ignition Boost is perfect for:

  • Grower seeking to maximize yields and unleash the full potential of their blooms
  • Those who value natural, organic growth enhancers
  • Impatient gardeners who want to fast-track their flowering phase
  • Anyone seeking to elevate the taste and aroma of their harvest

Experience the explosive power of bloom with Plant Magic Ignition Boost.


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