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Plagron Silic Rock 1L

Silic Rock is a silicon fertilizer that helps your plant against a hidden problem: silicon deficiency. Silicon improves the absorption of nutrients that are essential for your plant. Silic Rock contains silicon in a form that is easily taken up by the plant. It strengthens cell walls and increases resistance.

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Plagron Silic Rock: Build an Iron Shield for Your Plants

Forget struggling with weak stems and flimsy foliage! Plagron Silic Rock infuses your plants with the power of bio-available silica, their secret weapon against hidden threats and stress. Think of it as an invisible armor, strengthening cell walls and boosting defenses to create robust, thriving gardens.

Here’s why Silic Rock reigns supreme:

  • Shield Against the Unseen: Tackle the hidden problem of silicon deficiency, crucial for optimal nutrient absorption and plant health.
  • Stronger From the Core: Witness thicker stems and branches that effortlessly support your lush foliage and bountiful fruits.
  • Growth Rate on Steroids: Silic Rock fuels accelerated growth, sending your plants soaring to new heights with impressive speed.
  • Stress Busters Unite: Say goodbye to wilting under pressure! Silic Rock enhances resistance to environmental stress, pests, and diseases, keeping your garden vibrant and strong.
  • Water Wise Wonders: This formula promotes efficient water retention, helping your plants stay hydrated and happy even in harsh conditions.

Experience the Silic Rock difference:

  • Watch your plants stand tall and proud, radiating health and resilience.
  • Boost overall yields and witness the true potential of your garden.
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing your plants are armed against hidden dangers.
  • Say hello to hassle-free application and easy integration into your routine.


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