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Mills C4 5L

Embrace the transformative power of Mills C4, a potent flowering fertilizer that unleashes explosive growth, stimulates abundant flowering, and enhances the taste and quality of your fruits. This nutrient-rich formula, enriched with a unique blend of micro- and macronutrients, carbohydrates, trace minerals, and bio-stimulants, will elevate your yields to new heights.

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Mills C4 delivers an exceptional start to the flowering phase, propelling your plants towards a bountiful and high-quality harvest. This innovative nutrient formulation utilizes a unique blend of ingredients that effectively kickstart the flowering process, laying the foundation for exceptional yields and enhanced product quality.

C4’s potent combination of phosphorus, potassium, biostimulants, and carbohydrates caters to the heightened nutrient demands of plants during flowering. Phosphorus and potassium, essential macronutrients, are provided in abundance to fuel robust growth and maximize yield potential. Biostimulants, acting as natural growth enhancers, send signals to plants to accelerate growth rates, enhance resistance to stressors, and safeguard them against pests, diseases, and adverse environmental conditions. Additionally, carbohydrates, the building blocks of energy, are generously supplied by C4, boosting photosynthesis, increasing BRIX levels, and leading to healthier plants and sweeter-tasting fruits.


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