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Growth Technology Liquid Oxygen 5L

Hydrogen peroxide 11.9%. This solution will add extra oxygen to a mineral nutrient solution, increasing nutrient uptake by the roots and revitalising growth. In between crops, it can be used at a higher dose to clean equipment.

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This highly concentrated liquid, containing hydrogen peroxide (11.9%), is designed to oxygenate your mineral nutrient solution in order to increase the uptake of nutrients by the roots of your plants. Hydrogen Peroxide is an essential molecule in metabolic functions of plants. Once added to your reservoir, it will quickly turn into a more stable form, H2O, and release a free atom of oxygen. This atom, in turn, can be absorbed by the roots, increasing nutrient uptake and maintaining growth in healthy plants.

It is very important to note that, once broken down in your nutrient solution, hydrogen peroxide will kill all pathogens and bacteria. While this is beneficial when growing using hydroponic systems, it is completely unsuitable for growing organically as it would cripple the helpful microbiome living in the soil.

The formula is a powerful sanitiser and can be used to to keep things tidy in your grow room or clean up your used growing media. It is important to note – it is a corrosive material and should not be handled with bare hands.

Features and Benefits:

  • Creates a highly oxygenated and sterile root-zone
  • Kills pathogenic bacteria and fungi, eliminating root diseases
  • Delivers accelerated root activity
  • Can be used in any grow-medium
  • Can be used in any type of grow-system
  • Not suitable for organic growing or when using friendly microbes

Note: This is a corrosive material and should be handled with extreme care – a Safety Data Sheet is available. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

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