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GreenPlanet Dense Bud Compactor 500g

Dense Bud Compactor is a one of a kind flowering additive that gives your plants a large dose of potassium (K) during heavy fruiting and flowering.

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GreenPlanet Dense Bud Compactor is a high-potassium bloom booster designed to dramatically increase flower size, density, and overall yield. This powerful formula provides a concentrated dose of potassium, an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in various plant functions during the flowering stage.

Key Features

  • Highly Concentrated Formula (NPK 0-0-62): Delivers a concentrated dose of potassium to promote thicker, heavier, and more compact buds.
  • Enhanced Quality & Shelf Life: Improves the overall quality of your harvest, including flavour, aroma, and shelf life.
  • Improved Nutrient Uptake: Potassium acts as a catalyst for over 80 enzymes, optimising nutrient absorption and utilisation.
  • Boosted Photosynthesis & Energy Production: Supports efficient photosynthesis and the conversion of phosphorus into energy, leading to healthier and more productive plants.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for all growing media and hydroponic systems, making it a flexible addition to your nutrient regimen.

The Science Behind It:

Dense Bud Compactor provides a readily available source of potassium, a key nutrient that plays a vital role in various plant processes during the flowering stage. Potassium supports photosynthesis, sugar production, and protein synthesis, all of which are essential for optimal flower development. It also helps regulate transpiration and improves the translocation of vital fluids within the plant, ensuring efficient nutrient delivery to the buds.

Ideal Use Cases:

  • Flowering Stage: Provides a powerful potassium boost to maximise bud size, density, and yield.
  • All Growing Media & Systems: Suitable for use in soil, coco coir, and hydroponic systems.
  • Increasing Flower Quality: Enhances aroma, flavour, and shelf life of your harvest.
  • Preventing Potassium Deficiencies: Addresses potential deficiencies that can lead to yellowing, cupping leaves, or brown spots.

Take your flowering plants to the next level with GreenPlanet Dense Bud Compactor. Experience the power of concentrated potassium and achieve impressive harvests of dense, flavourful, and high-quality buds!


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