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Ferro Bio Crop 1L

Bio Crop is a unique bloom stimulator that ensures that plants produce up to 40% more chlorophyll. The additional chlorophyll allows the plant to produce more sugars, which are then turned into energy during the night.This additional energy is then used to produce new, larger flowers.

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Scientifically Proven: Ferro Bio Crop’s Chlorophyll Boost Drives Superior Flower & Fruit Quality

Ferro Bio Crop is a unique, organic bloom stimulator specifically formulated to maximize floral production and quality in various crops. Its key action lies in significantly increasing chlorophyll content by up to 40%. This enhanced chlorophyll production translates to several benefits for your plants:

  • Increased Photosynthesis: More chlorophyll translates to greater sugar production (measurable with a Brix meter), providing your plants with the necessary energy for abundant flower and fruit development.
  • Enhanced Bloom Quality: The additional energy produced fuels the formation of larger, more vibrant flowers and fruits.
  • Improved Plant Health: Bio Crop’s organic biocatalyst formula, composed entirely of plant extracts, activates beneficial microorganism growth and promotes balanced nutrient absorption and transport. This results in increased crop vitality, encompassing improved leaf quality, extended shelf life, and enhanced production.
  • Boosted Resilience: Bio Crop facilitates increased iron and magnesium absorption, crucial for chlorophyll synthesis and overall plant health. This, in combination with the wax coating it provides to leaves, enhances resistance to sap-sucking insects and fungal diseases like botrytis cinerea (grey mold).


  • Use: Ferro Bio Crop is exclusively used as a plant enhancer in floriculture, vegetable cultivation, flower bulb production, arable farming, and tree and fruit crops.
  • Dosage: Apply Bio Crop throughout the entire crop cycle for optimal results.
  • Synergy: For maximum benefit, combine Bio Crop with Ferro Bio Roots to create an ideal environment for optimal crop development and growth.


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