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NPK Industries RAW Soluble Potassium 2oz

RAW Potassium contains 50% Water Soluble Potash derived from potassium sulfate. During fruiting and flowering, large amounts of potassium are used by the plant in a matter of days which can lead to potassium deficiencies. RAW Potassium is ideal for boosting Potassium (K) levels, treating deficiencies and creating optimal recipe solutions.

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NPK Industries RAW Soluble Potassium is a premium potassium supplement formulated to enhance flowering, fruiting, and overall plant health. This highly concentrated, water-soluble powder delivers 50% potash, the highest concentration available, ensuring your plants have the essential potassium they need for optimal performance.

Key Features:

  • High-Quality Potassium Source: Contains 50% soluble potash derived from potassium sulfate, a natural and readily available form of potassium.
  • Promotes Flowering & Fruiting: Provides the vital potassium needed for abundant blooms and healthy fruit development.
  • Prevents Deficiencies: Addresses potassium deficiencies, which can lead to poor fruit quality, reduced yields, and increased susceptibility to stress.
  • Boosts Plant Health: Enhances carbohydrate metabolism, leading to increased sugar content and overall plant vigour.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for all growth stages and growing media, including soil and hydroponics.

The Science Behind It:

Potassium is a crucial macronutrient that plays a vital role in plant growth and development, particularly during flowering and fruiting. It activates enzymes involved in various physiological processes, including photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and water regulation. By supplementing with RAW Soluble Potassium, you ensure your plants have the resources they need to produce abundant, high-quality blooms and fruits.

Ideal Use Cases

  • Flowering & Fruiting Stage: Provides a concentrated potassium boost to support optimal flower and fruit development.
  • Preventing Deficiencies: Addresses potassium deficiencies, preventing yellowing leaves, weak stems, and poor fruit quality.
  • Enhancing Plant Health: Increases sugar content in plant sap, promoting overall vigour and resilience.
  • All Growing Media & Systems: Suitable for use in soil, coco coir, and hydroponic systems.
  • Customisable Recipes: Can be combined with other RAW Soluble products to create tailored nutrient solutions.

Power your plants’ flowering and fruiting stage with NPK Industries RAW Soluble Potassium. Experience the benefits of this essential nutrient and achieve abundant, high-quality harvests!


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